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Caffeine routine got you feeling stressed?

Keep reaching for more coffee? First let me say that there is nothing wrong with coffee or some clean caffeine in your life. Good, now that that’s clear let’s take a look at what might be happening if you are finding yourself reaching for more all throughout the day and actually depending on the effects of it to get you through life, mommy things, and the 3pm slump. As a self proclaimed recovering caffeine obsessed individual I am here to let you know that it’s not all good and the media hype/marketing that makes us feel all warm and cozy and yes cool 😎 is just that , hype. I know you are probably sick of hearing me say this but it’s the truth- moderation is key with caffeine just like every other thing we can become reliant on. Why your beverage choices may be sabotaging your wishes to live a healthy happy lifestyle and perhaps get your body composition to your optimal place: You are replacing meals with coffee or energy drinks. This doesn’t work long term friends- it will disturb the delicate balance of your gut microbiome and inevitably create a metabolic imbalance which causes your body to hold on to fat stores instead of using fat for fuel. Instead enjoy your morning cup or a clean pre workout like Active and then move on to some whole clean food for fuel. You will be more energized and avoid the rollercoaster 🎢 does this sound familiar- high, crash, more caffeine, high, crash , crash harder, no desire to workout, no desire to make a healthy dinner or eat it, eat ice cream on the couch and watch Netflix, feel bad for how hard it is. Wake up , start over… There are other scenarios but this is a common one. I knew my gut balance was key to This because after I started to get balance in my body I noticed my soup bowl or venti coffee getting cold before I would finish it. I didn’t need it anymore. That’s not to say I don’t still enjoy it, I do! Very much!! But not in a need or I’m going to have a headache and shrivel up in a heap kind of way.

Another thing that may be sabotaging your life is this- what is in your beverage? You must be clear on this. Is it sugar? Is it seed oil? Check your creamer, look up Starbucks ingredients, don’t turn a blind eye to what you are putting in your temple. If you are breastfeeding and find your baby is having a meltdown in the evening check the labels on what you are drinking and research how much (if any) of those ingredients they should be getting from your milk. If you are working out and need pre workout to get the ball rolling double check the ingredients in your pre workout and maybe consider switching to a different alternative like Metaburn and Active to deliver results, naturally increase energy and help burn fat without the yucky ingredients list and post workout adrenal fatigue, jitters and crash. If you are coping with life using your beverage maybe consider a probiotic that balances and boosts seratonin. The gut brain connection is highly researched and there is tons of data to support this as a great way to improve stress levels and depression. Ask me if you are unsure of what type probiotic you would want for this type of healing.


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