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7 Day Summertime Challenge

You can rain on my yoga mat but you can’t rain on my parade…

Summertime (and anytime) on Kauai means there may be some rain and yesterday’s workout was kissed by a warm shower right at the point over overheating! It couldn’t have been a better feeling in my opinion! Soft sprinkles and hard squats! Thank you Mother Nature! This was bliss 🫶🏽

Summer is here and you may be looking for some things you can do this week to optimize your body composition. Do these things for 7 days and tell me you don’t feel amazing, I dare you 😉

•eliminate Pop/Soda/Juice

•drink 1/2 of your body weight or more in Oz of water each day

•eliminate packaged foods with more than 4 ingredients

•limit eating out to once per week

•eat protein and healthy fats at each meal

•consciously move your body for 20 minutes 6 days per week

•reduce your intake of wheat, dairy & gluten

•get outside every day (not just in the car)

•create a simple, calming bedtime ritual- could be a tea and a few paragraphs of a book or in your journal, a skin care ritual and gratitation (my own personal ritual, it’s my gratitude/meditation after I do all of my skincare lotions and potions.)

If you’d like more questions answered about nutrition, articles on wellness or to have access to my VStudio Fitness workouts you can access all of this info amd more on my website


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