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Holiday Fitness Challenge

  • 30 Days
  • 7 Steps


Embark on a transformative 30-day fitness voyage that diversifies your workouts and nurtures your well-being: Week 1 & 3: Day 1-2: Begin with a Dynamic Strength Circuit and HIIT Cardio Blast for endurance and calorie torching. Day 3-4: Shift to Tabata and a Yoga Flow, torching fat and enhancing flexibility. Day 5: Powerlift and Plyometrics for strength and explosiveness. Day 6: Embrace an Outdoor Adventure Workout amid nature's beauty. Day 7: Your choice - Rest or a Detox bodyweight blast. Week 2 & 4: Day 8-9: Revisit Strength Circuit and HIIT Cardio for sustained endurance. Day 10-11: Reengage in Tabata and Yoga Flow for fat burn and balance. Day 12: Focus on Powerlifting and Plyometrics for ongoing strength. Day 13: Active Recovery Day - light cardio and soothing stretches. Day 14: Choose Rest or a Detox bodyweight blast. This curated 30-day regimen offers a holistic fitness routine tailored to your aspirations, guiding you toward a healthier and empowered you."


  • 🧡Dynamic Strength Circuit
  • 🍂 HIIT Cardio Blast
  • 🚀 Tabata & Yoga 🧘‍♀️
  • 🌅 Powerlifting and Plyometrics
  • 🛼🛼 Active Recovery Day (Light cardio and stretching)


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